@phdthesis{oai:fdc.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000004, author = {Takeyama, Hikaru and 竹山, 光栄 and Maruta, Michito and 丸田, 道人 and Sato, Taira and 佐藤, 平 and Kajimoto, Noboru and 梶本, 昇 and 藤井, 英司 and Fujii, Eiji and Matsuura, Takashi and 松浦, 尚志 and Tsuru, Kanji and 都留, 寛治}, month = {2023-09-28, 2023-09-28, 2023-09-28}, note = {2022年度}, school = {福岡歯科大学}, title = {Fabrication of bioresorbable hydroxyapatite bone grafts through the setting reaction of calcium phosphate cement}, year = {} }